(A)   No person shall cause or permit on property owned or controlled by him or her a nuisance affecting public health.
   (B)   The following are nuisances affecting public health and may be abated as provided in this subchapter:
      (1)   Privies. Open vaults or privies constructed and maintained within the city, except those constructed or maintained in connection with construction projects in accordance with the Health Division regulations;
      (2)   Debris. Accumulations of debris, rubbish, manure and other refuse that are not removed within a reasonable time and that affect the health of the city;
      (3)   Stagnant water. Stagnant water which affords a breeding place for mosquitoes and other insect pests;
      (4)   Water pollution. Pollution of a body of water, well, spring, stream or drainage ditch by sewage, industrial waste or other substances placed in or near the water in a manner that will cause harmful material to pollute the water;
      (5)   Food. Decayed or unwholesome food which is offered for human consumption;
      (6)   Odor. Premises which are in such a state or condition as to cause an offensive odor or which are in an unsanitary condition;
      (7)   Surface drainage. Drainage of liquid wastes from private premises;
      (8)   Cesspools. Cesspools or septic tanks which are in an unsanitary condition or which cause an offensive odor;
      (9)   Slaughter houses and the like. A slaughter house, tannery or pigsty; and
      (10)   Emissions. The emission of noxious fumes or gases, including burning of garbage.
(Ord. 94-09, passed 12-16-1994)  Penalty, see § 91.99