The following types of open burning are allowed within the city:
   (A)   Burning of wood or wood products for the purpose of providing heat in wood-burning stoves or fireplaces;
   (B)   Fires for recreational or ceremonial purposes;
   (C)   The operation of any barbeque equipment;
   (D)   The burning of dry yard debris and agricultural waste. Unconfined burning piles shall be located in an area free of combustible materials surrounding the burning pile and the area shall be of sufficient size so as to prevent the kindling of any secondary fire. All unconfined burning piles shall be constantly supervised. Suppression equipment, including water, shovels, rakes or any such items shall be required for the extinguishing of the unconfined burning piles or any additional secondary fire and shall be readily available during burning; and
   (E)   Fires set or permitted by any public agency when such fire is set or permitted in the performance of its official duty.
(Ord. 2006-02, passed 11-2-2006)