§ 71.082  ACCESSWAYS.
   (A)   Accessways provide direct connections to schools, parks, community centers, retail areas, neighborhoods and other paths. They are intended to be short, direct connections to reduce unnecessary out-of-direction travel for bicyclists and pedestrians, as shown herein. Accessways are necessary where routes for pedestrians are not otherwise provided by the street system, particularly in neighborhoods with a disconnected street grid that requires both out-of-direction travel and walking on a major street. Accessways should be considered when “desire lines” or informal, unauthorized and unmaintained paths have been created.
   (B)    Accessways should include a ten-foot wide paved path centered in a 20-foot wide right-of-way or easement. The city should explore accessway development opportunities in existing neighborhoods where limited street connectivity exists, and require accessways in future residential subdivisions (where necessary) to maximize bicycle and pedestrian connectivity.
(Ord. passed 6- -2009)