(A)   All applications for connection to the public system shall require a payment of a connection fee, the amount of such fees shall be set by resolution.
   (B)   (1)   (a)   All persons and property subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the following schedule of rates and charges for the use of the sewer system:
Sewer connection
Saddle and strap
Total connection fee
         (b)   Connection fees shall be placed for expenditure in a new line item within the Sewer Fund, entitled “Capital Repairs”.
      (2)   (a)   Monthly charge:
Type of Unit
Monthly Charge
Type of Unit
Monthly Charge
Motel (without cooking facilities, but with manager’s quarters) and bed and breakfast
   Plus each unit
Grocery stores with cold storage
Multiple dwellings and apartments (each unit same as a single residence)
Public buildings, lodges and churches
Restaurants and taverns
School/per school
Service stations
Small business and offices
         (b)   Any user served or connected to said sewer system which is located outside of the city limits shall pay a monthly service charge of 200% of the above monthly charge applying to the same classification of type of unit.
(Ord. 97-02, passed 6-3-1997; Res. 2019-10, passed 7-11-2019)