(A)   Meter readings. Meters will be read and customers billed on the basis of the meter reading to the nearest 100 gallons. The Water Department will keep an accurate account on its books of all readings of meters and such account so kept shall be offered at all times, places and courts as prima fade evidence of the use of water service by the customer.
   (B)   Rendering of bills.
      (1)   Billing period. All meters shall be read and bills rendered therefor every month.
      (2)   Bills for other than normal billing period. Opening or closing bills or bills that, for any other reason, cover a period containing 10% more days or 10% less days than in the normal billing period, shall be prorated.
      (3)   Bills for more than one meter. All meters supplying a customer’s premises shall be billed separately; except that, where the Water Department has for operating purposes installed two or more meters in place of one, the reading may be combined for billing.
   (C)   Disputed bills. When a customer disputes the correctness of a bill, he or she shall deposit the amount of the disputed bill at the time the complaint is lodged, to preclude discontinuance of service pending final settlement of the bill or bills. Subsequent bills shall be paid or placed on deposit in a similar manner. Failure of the customer to make such a deposit shall warrant discontinuance of service.
   (D)   Failure to read meters. In the event that it shall be impossible or impractical to read a meter on the regular reading date, the water consumption shall be prorated on the basis of 30 days per month and the total water consumption for billing purposes for that period shall be estimated.
   (E)   Payment of bills. Each bill rendered shall contain the final date on which payment is due. If the bill is not paid by that date, the account shall be considered delinquent, unless other arrangements have been made with the Water Department in writing that specify another due date.
   (F)   Delinquent accounts.
      (1)   Delinquent notice. A reminder of account delinquency may be sent, at the discretion of the City Recorder, to each delinquent account on or about ten days after the account becomes delinquent.
      (2)   Turn-off notice. On or about 15 days after an account becomes delinquent, a turn-off notice may be sent to the customer. Said notice shall state a date on which water will be turned off if delinquent account is not paid in full prior thereto.
      (3)   Service turn-off. On the turn-off date, the meter reader or other agent of the city shall deliver a written notice to the customer stating that the water service is being turned off until all delinquent amounts have been paid. The meter reader or other agent of the city shall immediately thereafter turn off the service. A delivery to the premises served by the meter shall be considered a delivery to the customer.
      (4)   Service charge. In all instances where water has been turned off because of delinquent accounts, a service charge of $25 for water and $25 for sewers shall be made for the restoration of services.
   (G)   Installment payments of delinquent accounts. In cases of extreme hardship, the City Recorder shall have the discretion of renewing service to a delinquent account upon receipt of a satisfactory installment plan for the payment of the overdue amount, installment period not to exceed the period of time the account was delinquent.
(Ord. 94-2, passed 5-3-1994; Res. 2018-01, passed 1-4-2018)