Extension of existing water mains may be made by the following methods:
   (A)   By forming a local improvement district as provided by state law;
   (B)   By the city installing a water main with the applicant paying the entire cost;
   (C)   The mains so installed will be conveyed to the city with necessary easements at no cost to the city. The city will maintain all mains accepted as part of the water system;
   (D)   The mains so installed shall meet the city requirements as to the size, material and location. Where the main passes through private property, a ten-foot easement shall be provided for maintenance and operation. Fire hydrants and control valves shall be installed at locations determined by the city. The city will pay such additional costs incurred if a larger than normal supply pipe is required to provide for future connections;
   (E)   No extension of a water main shall be authorized until the applicant files with the city any necessary permits, licenses or approvals required by any other governmental agency; and
   (F)   Any plans, blueprints, specifications and the like filed with the city shall become city property and remain at City Hall as public documents.
(Ord. 94-2, passed 5-3-1994)