Administrative fees
   Audit report
   Budget document
   Duplication of recordings from meetings
   Fax - incoming
   Fax - outgoing
   Library - interlibrary loan
   NSF check
   Photo copies - legal, one sided
   Photo copies - legal, two sided
   Photo copies - letter, one sided
   Photo copies - letter, two sided
Business fees
   Concessionnaire setup
   Food concessionnaire setup
   Liquor license for one day special event
   Liquor license review fee - renewal application only
   Liquor license - initial application
   Sandwich board signs - annual permit
   Sidewalk/sign usage
   Sign review
   Social games license - initial application
   Social games license - renewal
   Transient merchant license - 1-10 days
   Transient merchant license - annual
   Transient merchant license - commercial food
   Transient merchant license - per month
Fire Department fees
   Annual rural contract rate
$140 per landowner - residential
$162 per landowner - commercial
$260 per five (5) gallons
   Initiation, startup costs
$100 will be charged to each new rural fire contract established
   Jaws extrication/rescue cost recovery
$25 per person/hour
$150 per vehicle/hour
   Out-of-city/transportation corridor
      Support service cost per incident
      Base availability
$15.58 per hour
      Engine and/or water tender
      Rescue apparatus
$150 per hour per each
      Brush trucks
$125 per hour
      Command vehicles
$100 per hour
   Rope rescue cost recovery
$25 per person/hour
$150 per vehicle/hour
   Rural fire contract cost recover
$25 per person/hour
$150 per vehicle/hour
   Scuba air bottle used (each)
Land use fees
   Alley vacation
   Annexation request for initial determination
   Annexation if timely, but no development agreement
   Annexation to include concurrent land use application
   Annexation with failing septic tank
   Comprehensive Plan amendment - text or map
   Conditional use permit
   Copy of land use code book
   Fence permit
   Home occupation permit
   Land partition - minor
   Land partition - requiring staff report and attorney review
   Land use amendment - map
   Land use amendment - text
   Lot line adjustment
   Recreational vehicle on property
   Rezone without Comprehensive Plan amendment
   Site plan review
   Subdivision - conceptual
   Subdivision - final plat
   Subdivision - tentative plat
   Written interpretation of code
   Zoning permit
Water and Sewers
   Special user fee - street
   Special user fee - wastewater
   Special user fee - water
(Res. passed 7-2-1985; Res. 2005-06, passed 7-5-2005; Res. 2006-12, passed 11-2-2006; Res. 2007-10, passed 7-5-2007; Res. 2012-14, passed 6-26-2012; Res. 2015-04, passed 1-8-2015; Res. 2019-03, passed 3-7-2019; Res. 2019-11, passed 7-11-2019; Res. 2019-18, passed 9-5-2019; Res. 2019-22, passed 9-23-2019)