(A)   General method of selection. Personal service contracts shall be awarded pursuant to a competitive proposal process. The city shall seek proposals through a request for proposals which shall state the services requested and the information, such as training, qualifications and experience, to be submitted. The request for proposals may require that a proposer submit price quotes, hourly fee rates, contract maximums and other information relative to fees and cost of the personal service. The request for proposals may be circulated and/or advertised under procedures deemed reasonable by the department head or City Council.
   (B)   Selection of contractor. The personal services contract may be awarded to the contractor or consultant whose selection is in the best interests of the city, after consideration of all relevant factors, including the relative trust in the capabilities and qualifications of the contractor and the relative cost to the city. The city is not required to select a contractor who submitted the lowest price quote.
   (C)   Architects, engineers, land surveyors and related services.
      (1)   Contracts for architects, engineers, land surveyors and for related services (as defined in the state’s Public Contracting Code) in connection with a project for a public improvement shall be awarded as provided in ORS 279C.110.
      (2)   In the event such services are in conjunction with a project that meets the above statutory definition, selection and award of such contract shall be in accordance with the selection process set forth in ORS 279C.110 and the accompanying model rules. The contract price shall comply with the requirements of OAR 137-048-0300.
   (D)   Ongoing personal services. The selection process set forth herein is only required at the time of initial selection of the contractor. A contractor may be selected to provide ongoing professional or other personal services on ongoing hourly or other fee basis. Existing contractors providing such professional services may be continued or the terms of provision of such service renegotiated without the necessity of utilizing the selection process set forth in this section. At any time, however, the city may elect to initiate a request for proposals with respect to the provision of such services.
(Ord. 2010-01, passed 7-1-2010)