For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AREA CAPITAL CHARGE. A per unit charge, based upon use of the property as shown in § 52.25 of this code, to pay that lot's portion of capital costs, and paid at the time the principal structure is built or connects to city sewer or, if the principal structure was constructed prior to adoption of this chapter, the AREA CAPITAL CHARGE shall be paid when the use for the principal structure changes and increases the number of REUs, or there is an addition or alteration made to the principal structure.
   BOD (denoting BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND). The quantity of oxygen utilized in the biological oxidation of organic matter in 5 days at 20°C, expressed in milligrams per liter, as determined in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
   CAPITAL COSTS. All reasonable and necessary costs and expenses incurred by the city in planning, designing, financing, and constructing disposal system facilities, including but not limited to costs and expenses for obtaining necessary permits, licenses, approvals and grants for design and construction costs; fees for legal and consulting services; or the acquisition of such facilities.
   COMMERCIAL USERS. All users of the system classified as industrial users in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, U.S. Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented under Division A, B, C, E, and I but who are excluded from such definition for the purposes of this section, because they discharge primarily segregated domestic wastes, or wastes from sanitary conveniences, except that the classification shall not include such exempted users who are otherwise classified in this section as domestic users, governmental users, or institutional users.
   CONNECTION CHARGE. The charge for connecting a sewer line to the city sewer system paid at the time the principal structure is built or connects to a city sewer. If a building is connected to a city sewer but has not been required to pay the connection charge by January 1, 2010, no connection charge will be required.
   CONTRACT USERS. All users who have a written contract with the city to use the city sewer system or city wastewater treatment plant.
   DEBT SERVICE. The principal and interest necessary to pay bonded indebtedness.
   DEBT SERVICE CHARGE. The charge related to the principal and interest necessary to pay bonded indebtedness of facilities owned or operated by the city. The debt service charge includes a “debt service connection charge” and a “debt service user charge”.
   DOMESTIC USER. Those establishments of which its related occupations, if any, are usually considered a domestic service or residential class and whose discharge consists solely of sanitary wastes.
   FLOW. The quantity of sewage expressed in gallons or cubic feet per 24 hours.
   GOVERNMENTAL USER. Includes those establishments whose function is the administration and/or execution of governmental programs as well as the offices of executives, legislative bodies and agencies which provide general support services for government.
   INDUSTRIAL USER. Any entity which discharges to the city’s wastewater treatment system, solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes resulting from the process employed in industrial or manufacturing processes, or from the development of any natural resource. A user may be excluded and treated as a commercial user if the city determines it will primarily introduce domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences. The BOD and suspended solids loads from industrial users will be based on the actual concentrations of those constituents, except that for industrial users with sewage containing BOD and suspended solids concentrations less than the concentrations as defined for normal domestic strength, the charges shall be based on concentrations as defined for normal domestic strength.
   INSTITUTIONAL USER. Those establishments engaged in activities of a non-economic nature, frequently being the performance of services classified as a governmental or commercial user in this section.
   LOAD. Quantities of sewage characteristics such as BOD, SS and other constituents as expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/l) or pounds per 24 hours (lbs/24 hours).
   NORMAL DOMESTIC STRENGTH. Wastes with a Biological Oxygen Demand Concentration not to exceed 222 milligrams per liter and a total Suspended Solids Concentration not to exceed 268 milligrams per liter.
   OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COSTS (O&M COSTS). The expenses related to the costs of the operation, maintenance, replacement and administration of the city facilities.
   REPLACEMENT COSTS. Costs related to the expenditures for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories, or appurtenances which are necessary to maintain the capacity and performance during the useful life of the city facilities for which such facilities were designed and constructed. The term “Operation and Maintenance” includes REPLACEMENT.
   RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENCY UNIT (REU). A prorated estimate of the maximum capacity of the waste water system likely to be used by the particular use compared to the maximum anticipated capacity used by a single-family residence, which shall count as 1 unit.
   SANITARY WASTES. The liquid and water-carried wastes discharged from sanitary plumbing facilities.
   SEWAGE. The liquid-carried waste products from whatever source derived, together with such ground water infiltration and surface water as may be present.
   SEWER. A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage, industrial waste and other waste liquids.
   SEWER SERVICE CHARGE. The aggregate of all the charges including the user charge, debt service charges and other sewer-related charges that are billed periodically to users of the city facilities.
   SEWER SYSTEM. Pipeliners or conduits, pumping stations, force mains, and all other devices and appliances appurtenant thereto, used for collecting or conducting sewage.
   TSS (denoting TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS). Solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water, sewage, or other liquids and which are removable by laboratory filtering, in accordance with the latest edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater.
   USER. Any person, or corporation, or other entity, whether municipal or otherwise, discharging sewage into the city disposal system facilities.
   USER CHARGE. A charge levied on users of city facilities for the cost of operation, maintenance and replacement of the facilities.
   WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT. Any facility, appurtenant structures, or arrangement of devices used for the treatment of sewage.
(Prior Code, § 3.31) (Am. Ord. 2010-01, passed 3-1-2010)