(A)   Notice. Whenever the Code Official determines that a rental dwelling, a building of which such Dwelling is a part, or any portion thereof violates any section of this chapter or the Property Maintenance Code or that there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation exists, notice shall be given to the owner (and property manager, if any) and Tenant in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Be in writing.
      (2)   Include a description of the real estate sufficient for identification.
      (3)   Include a statement of the violation or violations and why the notice is being issued.
      (4)   Include a correction order allowing a reasonable time to make the repairs and improvements required to bring the rental dwelling or structure into compliance with the provisions of this chapter and/or the Property Maintenance Code.
      (5)   Inform the owner (and property manager, if any) and Tenant of the right to appeal pursuant to City Code, § 124.16.
   (B)   Emergency orders. Whenever the Code Official finds that an emergency exists in relation to the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter which requires immediate action to protect the health, safety or welfare of occupants of any rental dwelling, a building of which such dwelling unit is a part, or any portion thereof, the Code Official may issue an order reciting the existence of such emergency and requiring that such action be taken by the owner and/or tenant as deemed necessary to meet the emergency, notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 1-2-2018)