(A)   Inspections required. Each rental license application and rental license is at all times subject to the Code Official's right to inspect the affected rental dwelling to determine whether it is in compliance with the City Code and state law. The Code Official shall determine the schedule of periodic inspections. Inspections may include all common areas, utility and mechanical rooms, garages, exterior of structures and exterior property areas.
   (B)   Access for inspection. No rental license shall be issued under this chapter unless the owner f the rental dwelling agrees to permit inspections, upon reasonable notice from the Code Official to the owner, to determine compliance with the City Code and state law. The submission of a rental license application or the possession of a rental license issued by the city shall constitute such agreement by the owner identified in the application or on the rental license. It is the owner's responsibility to arrange for each tenant to grant the Code Official access to any part of its rental dwelling at reasonable times for the purpose of effecting inspection to comply with the provisions of this chapter. If any owner, owner's agent, property manager or tenant fails or refuses to permit entry to a rental dwelling under its control for an inspection pursuant to this chapter, the city may pursue any remedy at law or under the City Code, including, but not limited to, securing an administrative search warrant for the rental dwelling, issuing an administrative citation, denying a rental license application, revoking or suspending a rental license, or denying a renewal license. Without limiting the foregoing, should an owner, owner's agent, or property manager fail to keep a scheduled inspection without reasonable cause or refuse to permit entry to the rental dwelling, a reinspection fee may be charged for each occurrence.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 1-2-2018)