For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE. The date each year by when a Rental License must be renewed according to the schedule of fiscal years for rental licenses and fees established by the City Council pursuant to the City Code. The City Council may establish a different ANNUAL RENEWAL DATE for different types of rental dwellings and/or types of building in which rental dwellings may be located (e.g., single-family homes, duplexes, townhomes, condominiums, homes with services, and the like).
   APARTMENT BUILDING. A building in which 4 or more rental dwellings are located and all such rental dwellings are owned by the same owner.
   CODE OFFICIAL. The City Administrator or his/her designee.
   DWELLING UNIT. A single dwelling space providing independent living facilities for 1 or more persons, including permanent provisions for sleeping, eating, cooking, and sanitation.
   OPERATE. To charge a rental charge or other form of compensation for the use of a rental dwelling.
   OWNER. The person owning or holding title to a rental dwelling as determined by an examination of record title to the properly at the office of the Scott County Recorder - Registrar of Titles. If more than 1 person owns or holds title to an individual rental dwelling, such persons shall collectively be an owner for purposes of this chapter.
   PERSON. A natural person or legal entity.
   PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CODE. Chapter 93 and § 150.100(A) and (E) of the City Code.
   PROPERTY MANAGER. A person authorized to manage and/or operate a Rental Dwelling on behalf of an owner.
   QUALIFYING RELATIVE. Spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew. The relationship may be either by blood or marriage. The Code Official may require sufficient written proof to establish whether someone is a QUALIFYING RELATIVE.
   RENEWAL LICENSE. A rental license that is a renewal of an existing Rental License granted under this chapter, which renewal is granted to the same owner and for the same rental dwelling as the existing rental license.
   RENTAL DWELLING. A dwelling unit in the city to which a tenant has been granted the right to use the dwelling unit for residential purposes. A RENTAL DWELLING includes accessory structures such as garages and storage buildings and appurtenances such as sidewalks and retaining walls which are on the premises on which a RENTAL DWELLING is located.
   RENTAL LICENSE. The license required under this Chapter, including any renewal thereof.
   TENANT. Any person granted temporary use of a rental dwelling, other than the owner of the dwelling unit and/or qualifying relative(s) of that owner, pursuant to a lease or other agreement, whether or not reduced to writing.
   UNLAWFUL CONDUCT. Shall have the meaning given such term in City Code, § 124.07.
(Ord. 2017-07, passed 1-2-2018)