(A) All dish antennas over 1 meter (39.4 inches) in diameter shall be prohibited from roof tops unless it is determined by the Zoning Administrator that placement within a side or rear yards is impractical.
(B) Satellite dishes and other dishes shall not be located in front yards. Dishes shall not be permitted on either side adjacent to a public right-of-way on corner lots. This shall not apply to dishes which are directly attached to the front or side of a structure.
(C) No satellite dish or other dish shall be located within 10 feet of any rear lot or side lot line in any residential district.
(D) A limit of 2 such structures shall exist at any 1 time on any R-1, R-2 residential district lot or parcel except that satellite dishes exceeding 1 meter in width shall be limited to 1 per R-1, R-2 residential district lot or parcel.
(E) The applicant shall be responsible for any required license by any federal, state or local agency.

(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013)