(A)   Every person shall obtain from the city a permit before erecting, placing, rebuilding, reconstructing, structurally altering, enlarging or relocating any sign or awning which is not specifically exempted by these regulations from this permit requirement. An application for a permit shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator in accordance with the permit procedures of the City Code and the requirements of this section. The application shall include the information required by the form provided by the city and shall be accompanied by appropriate documents and plan or plans drawn to scale which legibly reflect the following:
      (1)   The location of proposed and existing signs in relation to property lines and existing and proposed building based upon a site plan approved by the city which accurately reflects current conditions on the property.
      (2)   The design, full dimensions, and specifications including the method of construction, and attachment to a building or placement in the ground.
      (3)   Stress calculations prepared by a certified engineer, where applicable, indicating that the structure's design for dead load and wind pressure in any direction in the amount required by regulations.
      (4)   Such other information as the Zoning Administrator of Building Inspector may be required to show full compliance with this chapter and other applicable laws or codes of the city. The Zoning Administrator may waive requirements for technical information specified above where such information is not necessary to the determination of compliance.
   (B)   The Zoning Administrator shall, upon approval, issue a written permit authorizing the proposed sign and related work. The permit shall, where applicable, specify the duration of the permit and any special conditions or requirements related to the construction of the sign. Expiration and renewal of permits shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Minnesota State Building Code for building permits.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013)