(A)   Project information signs, also known as construction signs, which denote the architect, engineer, contractor or owners when placed upon a work site. Such signs shall be removed within 10 days after completion of construction. Project information or construction signs are regulated as follows:
      (1)   Project information or construction signs less than 40 square feet per face and less than 10 feet in height are exempt from the setback requirement.
      (2)   Project information or construction signs are exempt from the total sign area requirements.
      (3)   Project information or construction signs shall be removed prior to the issuance of the final occupancy permit.
   (B)   Temporary signs. Temporary signs are regulated as follows:
      (1)   Up to 4 temporary signs may be permitted on a lot for up to 30 days each in any calendar year. Temporary political signs, construction signs and real estate signs are exempt from these limitations.
      (2)   Temporary signs which are 10 square feet or smaller on residential properties or 40 square feet or less on other properties shall not require a sign permit provided there is only 1 sign per property and it is displayed for 30 days or less. All other temporary signs shall require a temporary sign permit. The maximum square footage of all temporary signs on a parcel shall not exceed 60 square feet, unless a conditional use permit is granted for greater square footage.
      (3)   The advertisement contained on any temporary sign shall pertain only to the business or activity conducted on or within the premises on which such sign is erected or maintained.
      (4)   Temporary signs shall not be illuminated.
      (5)   Banners placed on non-residential private property:
         (a)   Grand openings: Up to 2 temporary banners, with a total 30 square feet each may be displayed for up to 30 days, through the issuance of a temporary sign permit.
         (b)   Special events: In addition to banners for grand openings, up to 2 banners for special events may be displayed, provided they do not exceed a total of 30 square feet each in size and are displayed for no more than 60 days in aggregate per calendar year. The banners must be affixed to a building or in compliance with lot and setback requirements and obtain a temporary sign permit.
         (c)   Banners in non-residential zoning districts: One banner per street frontage, with a maximum of 2 banners is permitted in non-residential zoning districts provided they are no more than 30 square feet each and do not cover significant architectural features on buildings. They may be displayed for up to 30 days, through the issuance of a temporary sign permit.
   (C)   Directional signs. A directional sign placed in the setback shall not exceed 8 square feet in sign area per face or 42 inches in height and shall not display any advertising. Trailblazing signs to provide directions to public institutions may be permitted upon recommendation of the Planning Commission and approval of the City Council.
   (D)   MNDOT logo signs, general motorized signs and/or directional signs. Freestanding signs located in right-of-way or on properties near the intersections of Highway 169 which identify tourist-oriented businesses such as gasoline service stations, restaurants, motels and regional commercial uses, as permitted by M.S. §§ 160.292 through 160.297. These signs, and MNDOT required trailblazing signs, may be allowed along TH 282 and Highway 21, only as an extension of MNDOT requirements, in locations designated by MNDOT, with the written permission of the land owner. Necessary permits shall be obtained from MNDOT prior to installation of the signs.
   (E)   Subdivision monument signs. A maximum of 2 monument signs per entrance into any residential or real estate development is permitted. These signs shall not exceed 8 feet in height or 25 square feet per side, and must be set back at least 10 feet from the right-of-way. Monument signs shall not be included in the calculation of aggregate sign area for any lot. A monument sign may be externally illuminated. Subdivision monument signs shall be reviewed with the preliminary plat approval, and on-going ownership and maintenance of the sign shall be specified as a condition of approval.
   (F)   Subdivision real estate signs. A temporary freestanding sign for the purpose of announcing or promoting of a new residential, commercial or industrial project development is allowed, provided that each residential project contains at least 6 dwellings or lots. One such sign is permitted for each major thoroughfare the project abuts, provided said sign is located on the project development property. Signs shall be setback at least 130 feet from any preexisting structure. The sign is to be removed within 2 years of signing of the final plat or when the project is 75% sold out or rented, whichever is sooner; and each sign shall not exceed the following size limitations: Project area under 20 acres may have a sign up to 48 square feet. Project areas over 20 acres may have a sign up to 100 square feet.
   (G)   Electronic message boards or dynamic signs. All electronic message boards (EMBs) must meet all the requirements of this section.
      (1)   The maximum height of any freestanding EMB that is not attached to or part of a multipart freestanding sign is 8 feet. Where an EMB is attached to or part of a multi-part freestanding sign, the maximum sign height will be determined according to the maximum permissible height of the sign type of which the EMB is a part.
      (2)   The maximum area of an EMB sign shall not exceed 50% of the allowable sign square footage. As an EMB sign is a form of reader board, the EMB sign square footage may not be coupled with any other form of reader board.
      (3)   EMBs may be used for all or part of an on-premise sign that displays a commercial or noncommercial message. EMBs may not display off-premises commercial advertising.
      (4)   No flashing light is allowed on any EMB.
      (5)   All EMB signs shall be antiglare. All EMBs must be equipped with an automatic dimmer device.
      (6)   As measured at the property line, the maximum light emanation from an EMB sign shall be no greater than 2 foot candles.
      (7)   EMB signs must not cast light on adjacent residential properties, regardless of zoning.
      (8)   No EMB signs are allowed within the C-2, Central Business District, or facing historic district, with the exception of a sign no greater than 2 feet long by 6 inches wide, which may be mounted inside the building. Dynamic or electronic message signs shall not be allowed on free standing signs or mounted on the exterior of a building in the C-2 District.
      (9)   Any malfunctioning EMB must be turned off or display a blank screen until repaired.
      (10)   All electrical equipment used to operate or install an EMB must be Underwriters Laboratory (UL) listed.
      (11)   All EMB signs must meet the State Electric Code.
      (12)   All EMB signs shall be kept in good operating condition and maintained with good external appearance.
      (13)   If any non-conforming existing EMB sign is damaged so that repairs would cost as much as 60% of the value of the sign, the sign may be repaired only if it is brought into conformance with this chapter.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013)