§ 154.174 INTERIM USES.
   Within the I-2, General Industrial District, the following uses may be allowed provided the requirements of § 154.051 are followed:
   (A)   Mining. Subject to the following:
      (1)   A plan shall be submitted showing the route the trucks will use in traveling to and from the site.
      (2)   Access to the property is subject to city approval and shall be located where it is likely to cause the least disruption to existing use of property in the area.
      (3)   The persons responsible for mining and future land reclamation must remove debris, dust, dirt or sand from the street at appropriate intervals consistent with the city requirements.
      (4)   A plan for reclamation showing finished grade and cover materials shall be submitted along with a staging plan so that no 1 area is left exposed for longer than 90 days. Materials used to reclaim land shall be consistent with the conditions in the natural environment on the property and with the future land use.
      (5)   Mining shall not be allowed unless the city finds the plan for reclamation of the land is suitable.
      (6)   A bond or letter of credit may be required by the city to ensure that any damage caused to street or public property is corrected by the owner.
   (B)   Land reclamation. Subject to the following:
      (1)   The access to the property is subject to approval and shall be located where it is likely to cause the least disruption to existing use of property in the area.
      (2)   Materials used to reclaim land shall be consistent with the conditions in the natural environment on the property and with the future land use.
      (3)   Persons responsible for land reclamation shall remove debris, dust, dirt or sand from the street at appropriate intervals consistent with city requirements.
      (4)   A bond or letter of credit may be required by the city to ensure that any damage caused to street or public property is corrected by the applicant.
   (C)   Subject to the review and processing of an interim use permit as regulated by this section, the Planning Commission may reduce the number of required off-street parking spaces when the applicant can demonstrate in documented form a need which is less than required. In such situations, the city shall require a site plan illustrating "Proof of Parking" availability. The plan shall illustrate where the additional parking will be located and how the traffic circulation will coordinate with the site plan and existing parking lot should use or needs change. The Planning Commission shall also consider:
      (1)   The on-street parking available by the site.
      (2)   The expected usage of the site and parking demand.
      (3)   Surrounding land uses and zoning districts.
      (4)   The provisions of this section affecting the parking lot or loading area.
      (5)   Any other associated aspect that the Planning Commission deems necessary to evaluate the request.
      (6)   The applicant shall install the additional required off-street parking within 3 months of written notification by the Zoning Administrator.
   (D)   Physical recreational and educational training facilities.
(Ord. 2013-05, passed 5-20-2013; Am. Ord. 2014-09, passed 7-7-2014)