All officers and employees of the city who are members of the State National Guard, a reserve component, or a member of the retired personnel of the naval, air, or ground forces of the United States are entitled to the following leaves of absence.
   (A)   (1)   As stated in I.C. 10-16-7-7 and I.C. 10-16-7-5, a member of any of these branches, who is employed with the city, shall be entitled to a leave of absence from the employee’s respective duties in addition to regular vacation period without loss of time or pay from the time that the member is doing either of the following for any consecutive or non-consecutive period that does not exceed a total of 15 days in any calendar year:
         (a)   On training duties of the state under the order of the governor as commander in chief; or
         (b)   A member of any reserve component under the order of the reserve component authority.
      (2)   The entitlement to a leave of absence without loss of time or pay is not at the discretion of the member’s employer.
   (B)   A military leave of absence will be granted to all full time city employees to attend scheduled drills or training, or to respond to a call of active duty with the United States Armed Forces. Employees with appropriate military orders will be granted paid leave for annual training for the Reserve or National Guard for a period up to two weeks or 15 days per year, and are entitled to civilian and military pay up to two weeks or 15 days per year. Required leave in excess of the two weeks will be granted on an unpaid basis. During any unpaid military leave, the employee will be placed in an inactive employee status and will be eligible for extended rehire rights immediately upon the conclusion of the unpaid military leave.
   (C)   Subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of the applicable plans for which the employee is otherwise eligible, the employer will continue to provide health insurance benefits for the full term of the annual training period.
   (D)   Employees on two-week (15 days) active duty training assignments or inactive duty training drills are required to return to work for the first regularly scheduled shift after the end of training, allowing reasonable travel time.
(Ord. 15 2018, passed 12-11-2018)