(A)   Indiana Code 36-1-8-3 authorizes the Common Council to permit any of its officers, employees, or bonded appointed volunteers, to establish a cash fund for fundraising activities used only for a change making process.
   (B)   In any type of fundraising activities where cash is received from the Clerk-Treasurer for a change process, it must be accounted for and signed by the person in charge of the fundraising event.
   (C)   The Cash Fund will be drawn from the account from which it reflects the department doing the fundraiser. The Cash Fund change money received shall be returned by the next business day of the fundraiser. The Clerk-Treasurer shall deposit the Cash Fund amount back into the corresponding account which was withdrawn and shall reflect reports to the Common Council.
Name of Account
Fund Type
Petty cash
Cash change
Billing Clerk
   (D)   All fundraising activities for any approved department must be turned over to the Clerk-Treasurer by the next business day of the fund raising event. The Clerk-Treasurer may work with the billing clerk with these activities. Cash shall be accompanied by a signed receipt with two separate signatures that verify the amount of cash presented to the Clerk-Treasurer for deposit. At no point shall a department hold cash in their office or personal possession from the fundraising event.
   (E)   Funds from the fundraising event are to be deposited into the bank in a timely manner.
(Ord. 16-2016, passed 12-27-2016)