(A)   The city hereby establishes a Fire Donations Fund to receive donations of funds from the community on behalf of the Fire Department.
   (B)   The city may use the balance of the Fire Donations Fund that the Fire Department deems appropriate, however the Fund must be used to benefit the Fire Department. Expenditures must not be prohibited by state law and are subject to approval of the Common Council.
   (C)   All monies donated to the Fire Department that have a purpose shall be deposited into the Allocated Fire Department Donation Fund in accordance to § 31.06 on the acceptance of donations. Once the money has been spent on the appropriate item(s), and there is a balance, those funds may be then transferred to the Unallocated Donation Fund.
   (D)   (1)   All monies donated to the Fire Department that does not have a purpose shall be deposited into the Unallocated Fire Department Donation Fund in accordance to § 31.06 on the acceptance of donations.
      (2)   This money shall be spent however the Department head and Common Council feels is appropriate.
(Ord. 2013-8, passed 6-11-2013; Ord. 15-2017, passed 11-14-2017; Ord. 16-2017, passed 11-14- 2017)