(A)   Fees.
      (1)   Fees apply to all users. Fees will not be normally being assessed for city government-approved functions. The city reserves the right to adjust or wave fees based on extraordinary circumstances with the Board of Public Works and Safety or Mayor approval.
      (2)   (a)   Payments of cash or checks are accepted. Any checks received that is returned for NSF shall be assessed a $25 fee, plus a $10 handling fee and may be necessary to file legal action and would be required legal fees.
         (b)   Applicants who checks have been returned must pay by cash or a money order; no checks shall be accepted from the applicant in future.
      (3)   All applicants shall be 21 years of age and must complete an agreement form. Such agreements with fees must be completed 96 hours prior to rental date. Forms may be emailed to applicants who may be returned by us mail or dropped off at City Hall, 414 South Main Street, Jonesboro, Indiana 46938. Cancellation of the event must be made in writing at least 36 hours in advance to the event.
   (B)   Rate schedule.
      (1)   Non-profit groups shall be charged a daily rental fee of $75 per day.
      (2)   Daily rental fees for profit groups shall be $100 per day.
      (3)   Any group that charges a fee at the door or sells any type of goods, material, or orders for such shall have a $25 permit.
      (4)   Damage to the building, appliances, furniture, ground around building, or equipment shall result in fees of $100 to $25,000.
      (5)   Failure to properly clean up food, beverages, equipment, or empty trash and clean areas in accordance to guidelines shall result in a fee of $100. Failure to return the key shall result in a fee of $25.
   (C)   Building rules.
      (1)   No smoking in any location inside of the building is permitted and eight feet outside from entrance ways (state law), including e-cigarettes.
      (2)   No open flames are permitted, except small votive candles in glass globes or small birthday candles.
      (3)   All decorations must be non- combustible or treated with an approved flame retardant.
      (4)   No type of alcoholic beverages or drinks is permitted and are prohibited.
      (5)   All trash, including left-over foods, need to be placed into trash bags (such bags are furnished) and put into dumpster, which is located at the south end of the building.
      (6)   (a)   No loud music should be heard from outside building after 11:00 p.m.
         (b)   Amplified sound systems may be used, but must be held to the minimum volume necessary to address those in attendance, and must not disturb surrounding residential areas.
      (7)   No rice may be thrown inside or outside of the building; bird seed may be used outside only.
      (8)   Use of any type of tape or adhesives, nails, screws, tacks on doors, windows, walls, or the ceiling is forbidden. All decorations must use the hanging hooks.
      (9)   Tables, chairs, or any other equipment may not be removed from building for any reason, and must be cleaned and properly stored in storage room after use.
      (10)   All lights, except those on the row, shall be turned off.
      (11)   Users shall make sure water is turned off in kitchen and restrooms.
(Ord. 6 2017, passed 11-14-2017) Penalty, see § 10.99