(A)   Within 72 hours after removal of an abandoned vehicle to a storage area under this subchapter, the officer, or his or her designee under the supervision of the officer, shall prepare and forward to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles an abandoned vehicle report containing a description of the vehicle including tire make, model, engine number, if any, identification number, and the number of the license plate, and request that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles advise the office of the name and most recent mailing address of the owner and any leinholder.
   (B)   The Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall:
      (1)   Conduct a reasonable search through the National Automobile Theft Bureau and the State Police Department to determine whether the vehicle or parts have been reported as stolen;
      (2)   Conduct a reasonable search of Bureau records to determine the owner of the vehicle or parts or lienholder of record;
      (3)   If a reasonable search discloses the name and address of the owner or lienholder, mail a written notice, by first class mail, to:
         (a)   The owner, with a copy to any lienholder if the Bureau disposes of the vehicle; and
         (b)   The officer, indicating that the vehicle or parts have been impounded at a certain location and must be removed within 15 days of the date of mailing of the notice and advising that the vehicle or parts will be disposed of after that time.
      (4)   The Bureau or the officer shall further advise the owner or any lienholder that all costs incurred in removing and storing the vehicle or parts are his or her legal responsibility.
(Ord. 24-2021, passed 12-28-2021)