Abandoned vehicles shall be identified in the following manner.
   (A)   If the officer finds a vehicle he or she believes to be an abandoned vehicle, he or she may immediately follow the procedures set forth below in §§ 93.06 through 93.10.
   (B)   Upon complaint of a private property owner or person in control of the property that a vehicle has been left on the property for 48 hours or more without the consent of the owner or person in control, an officer shall follow the procedures set forth in §§ 93.06 through 93.10 (I.C. 9-22-1-18).
   (C)   (1)   When an officer discovers a vehicle in the possession of a person other than the owner and the person cannot establish his or her right to the possession of that vehicle, the vehicle shall be taken to and stored in a suitable place. The Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall be notified within 72 hours of the location and the description of the vehicle. Upon receipt of notification, the Bureau shall cause a search to be made to determine and notify the owner in accordance with § 93.09.
      (2)   If the owner of the vehicle cannot be determined, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall declare the vehicle abandoned and provide for its disposal in accordance with this subchapter.
      (3)   If the properly identified owner or lienholder appears at the site of storage before disposal of the vehicle or parts and pays all proper costs incurred against it at that time, then the vehicle or parts shall be released. A copy of the release of all vehicles or parts shall be sent to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. The release must contain the owner or lienholder’s signature, name, address, vehicle or parts description, costs and date of release.
      (4)   If the vehicle is not released to the owner or lienholder, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall declare the vehicle abandoned and provide for disposal in accordance with this subchapter.
(Ord. 24-2021, passed 12-28-2021)