The Code Enforcement Department shall forward any complaint to the officer for processing, who, in turn, shall visually inspect the property in question. If the officer determines that a violation exists, he or she shall issue a notice of violation as provided below.
   (A)   Notice to abate. When a complaint addresses a private property, the officer through the Code Enforcement Department shall cause a written notice to abate to be served upon the owner of property in question, granting that owner a minimum of ten calendar days in which to remove the public nuisance. This notice shall be served by certified mail and regular mail to the owner and by a notice place card conspicuously posted on the property which mail and notice shall contain the following information the (the office of the Clerk-Treasurer shall assist with this process): the address of the property; the date of the notice; the name of the city enforcing this subchapter; the address of the city; the telephone number of the city authorized employee and/or officer and warning that if the public nuisance is not removed within ten calendar days after the posting, the city has the right to enter on the property to abate and/or correct the condition and bill the owner for costs incurred in so doing and/or file a court action against the owner for an ordinance violation.
   (B)   Inspection. Following the expiration of the notice to abate, the authorized employee and/or officer shall visually inspect the property to determine whether a public nuisance still exists. If a public nuisance exists, action shall be taken to abate that nuisance in accordance with this subchapter.
   (C)   Abatement by city on governmental property. Where the complaint for nuisance addresses governmental property and it is determined by the authorized employee and/or officer that a violation exists and threatens the health and/or safety of the people of the city, the authorized employee and/or officer may direct the city to immediately enter upon the premises and remove the nuisance.
(Ord. 4-2022, passed 5-10-2022)