(A)   Body-worn camera footage may be viewed upon request in accordance with the State Access to Public Records Act (“APRA”) and subject to the provisions of this section.
   (B)   Body-worn videos that are part of an ongoing investigation or which contain unredacted private information, such as interiors of private homes, medical information, juveniles, witnesses, or victims, shall be subject to disclosure only at the discretion of the city and its Police Department.
   (C)   Requests for body-worn camera footage must be in writing and must be reasonably particular in order to permit the identification of the footage to be disclosed, including:
      (1)   The date of the incident;
      (2)   The approximate time of the incident; and
      (3)   The location of the incident and the names of one person involved who is not a law enforcement officer.
   (D)   (1)   The following fee schedule shall apply for videos to be disclosed:
Video Length/Service
Less than 5 minutes
No charge
5 to 30 minutes
30 to 60 minutes
Greater than 60 minutes
Processing of all requests
      (2)   In the event that the city shall elect to provide copies of footage, the requestor shall also be responsible for paying for the cost of the media upon which the footage shall be copied, such as disks or flash drives.
   (E)   The city shall require a minimum of 15 business days after the receipt of a written request for footage to make said footage available.
(Ord. 8 2022, passed 11-22-2022)