(A)   Billing period. The utility attempts to read meters on a monthly basis; however, the utility reserves the right to read the meter on any basis deemed appropriate by the utility. If a leak should occur during those times that meters are not read, the customer is responsible for payment of the water and wastewater charges based on the amount of water used subject to applicable rates or charges.
   (B)   Meter error. If any meter shall be found to have a percentage of error greater than that allowed by AWWA and IURC standards, the bill shall be adjusted as follows.
      (1)   Meter error (customer overcharged). In cases of meter error where the customer has been overcharged, the amount of the refund or credit to the customer’s account shall be the amount in excess of the average charge since the previous test, or one year, whichever period is shorter.
      (2)   Stopped or slow meters (customer undercharged).
         (a)   When the meter is stopped or slowed, the amount of the charge to the customer shall be an amount estimated to be an average charge since the previous test or one year, whichever period is shorter.
         (b)   The average charge shall be calculated on the basis of units registered on the meter over corresponding periods either prior to or subsequent to the period for which the meter is determined to be slow or stopped.
         (c)   If this method is inconclusive or unjustifiable, the utility may use another method to determine the appropriate charge.
   (C)   Other billing adjustments.
      (1)   All other billing errors may be adjusted to the known date of error or for a period of one year, whichever period is shorter. In order to claim an adjustment to a wastewater bill, the customer must apply in writing for the adjustment.
      (2)   The claim must include the exact or estimated date that the leak began, or copies of receipts for parts used to fix the leak. If this information is not provided, the claim will not be processed. Adjustments will only be made when the leak does not enter the wastewater system.
(Ord. 1-2022, passed 3-8-2022)