The following uses are hereby permitted:
(A) Agriculture, including customary agricultural buildings and structures, but not including permanent dwellings; nurseries and greenhouses, provided that any greenhouse heating plant, or any building or enclosure in which animals are kept should comply with the distance requirement in § 155.198;
(B) Commercial poultry farms, kennels, riding stables and dairies, provided that any building or enclosure in which animals or fowl are kept shall comply with the distance requirement in § 155.198;
(C) Public parks, playgrounds and community centers; private recreation areas and facilities, including country clubs, golf courses, fishing lakes and boat docks;
(D) Baseball, football stadium or sports arena, provided that the location of any structure used for such purposes shall comply with two times the distance requirements in § 155.198; and
(E) Outdoor advertising signs and billboards set back from the established right-of-way of any highway or thoroughfare at least as far as the required front yard depth for a principal building.
(1999 Code, § 40-14-1) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)