The following principal uses are permitted:
   (A)   Any use or structure permitted and as regulated in the R-2 District, except as hereinafter modified;
   (B)   Dwellings for any number of families;
   (C)   Boarding and lodging houses providing 150 square feet of floor area for each occupant;
   (D)   Kindergartens, day nurseries or nursery schools, provided that any play lot used in connection therewith be surrounded by a fence not less than three feet in height;
   (E)   Private clubs and lodges;
   (F)   Tourist homes; motels and motor hotels on lots abutting on state or federal highways, subject to the applicable provision of §§ 155.219;
   (G)   Office of civic, religious or charitable organizations and financial or insurance institutions conducting their activities primarily by mail and not handling merchandise or rendering services on the premises;
   (H)   Physicians’ and dentists’ offices and private clinics for human care, professional offices or architects, engineers, lawyers and the like; offices devoted to real estate, insurance, management and similar enterprises when conducting their activities primarily by mail or telephone and not displaying or handling merchandise on the premises; and
   (I)   Trailer parks, provided that public or community sewer and water facilities are available to each trailer, and that each existing trailer space contains 3,000 square feet of area.
(1999 Code, § 40-9-1) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)