Accessory uses customarily incidental to a permitted principal use on the same lot therewith, including:
(A) Private garages or parking areas;
(B) Buildings and structures accessory to agriculture uses, including roadside stands selling produce grown on the premises, provided that such stands are located not less than 50 feet from a street or highway right-of-way. Signs accessory to roadside stands shall be limited to two per lot with no sign larger than ten square feet and set back 30 feet from the right-of-way. Such signs shall be less than 15 feet in height and pertain to agricultural products offered for sale and identification of such stand;
(C) Real estate signs of a temporary nature, not exceeding two in number per lot nor larger than 12 square feet, set back 20 feet from any highway, street or road;
(D) Small announcement or professional signs, not exceeding four square feet in area, except that an announcement sign or bulletin board, not over 12 square feet in area, set back 20 feet from any right-of-way may be erected in connection with any of the permitted principal uses of a nonresidential character;
(E) Living quarters of persons employed on the premises;
(F) Office of a physician, dentist, lawyer, architect, engineer, accountant or insurance agent within his or her dwelling;
(G) Customary incidental home occupations such as handicraft, dress-making, millinery and preserving, but not including, beauty shop, barber shop, dancing or music school with more than one pupil at any one time, or similar activity carried on solely by resident occupants within their residence, subject to the following provisions: no more than one room is used for such purposes by any resident family; that no such use shall require internal or external alterations or involve construction features or the use of mechanical equipment not customary in dwellings; that nothing not produced on the premises is sold or offered for sale; and that no display of goods or services pertaining to such is visible from the street, road or highway; and
(H) A sign or signs flat against a building appertaining to a nonconforming use on the premises, not exceeding in the aggregate 50 square feet in area; except as may be authorized by the Board of Appeals.
(1999 Code, § 40-5-3) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)