(A)   Agriculture and agricultural buildings provided that no livestock shall be housed closer than 200 feet from any lot in any R District.
   (B)   Any buildings or structures occupied by or used for churches, Sunday schools, parish houses, public and parochial schools, public libraries, museums and similar public cultural uses, located not less than 40 feet from any other side lot line in any R District.
   (C)   Open air recreational use such as parks and playgrounds.
   (D)   Essential services, as defined in § 155.002, and public service buildings or properties, except such uses as storage yards, warehouses, garages or other uses customarily conducted as gainful business, provided any building is located not less than 40 feet from any other lot in any R District.
   (E)   Cemeteries.
   (F)   Existing railroad rights-of-way, not including switching, storage, freight yards or sidings.
   (G)   Sale of nursery and greenhouse products where production or growth of products takes place on the premises.
   (H)   County clubs, golf courses, swimming clubs and similar recreational uses provided that any principal or accessory building in connection therewith shall be located not less than 200 feet from any other lot in any R District.
   (I)   Farm dwellings and single-family non-farm dwellings.
   (J)   Billboards and signboards subject to the following restrictions.
      (1)   No billboard or signboard shall be located within 300 feet of any R District.
      (2)   No billboard or signboard shall be located within 80 feet of a federal or state highway or within 60 feet of any other public road.
      (3)   No billboard or signboard shall contain more than 300 square feet of surface area nor be higher than 25 feet above the average grade.
      (4)   No billboard or signboard shall be located within 500 feet of an exit or entrance to a controlled access route.
      (5)   Billboards or signboards may have constant or flashing illumination, provided that any such sign located in the direct line of vision of any traffic control signaling device shall not have contrasting or flashing intermittent illumination or red, green or amber color. Where a sign is illuminated by light reflected upon it, direct rays of light shall not project upon any part of any existing state or federal highway, existing residential structure or any R District.
(1999 Code, § 40-5-1) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)