The city may revoke the license for any of the following reasons:
(A) The owner or manager permits any person under the age of 21 to be present in or frequent such adult use facility, unless accompanied by a parent or legal guardian;
(B) When the adult use facility as operated and maintained, unreasonably and needlessly disturbs the peace of the neighborhood;
(C) When disorderly or immoral practices are permitted, or intoxicating liquor is sold, served or consumed on the premises;
(D) When circumstances occur or become known to the city, which, had they happened or been known at the time the application was made for the license, would have legally justified the denial of the same;
(E) When the adult use amusement facility is opened or remains open outside the hours established by the city; or
(F) When the licensee violates any provision of the city code or applicable state statute.
(1999 Code, § 7-8-7)