For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   COMMISSION. The Human Relations Commission of this municipality (or any other agency designated by the Council to administer this code).
   DWELLING. Any building or portion thereof containing one or more dwelling units, or any parcel of land offered for sale or lease for the construction or placement of such building.
   DWELLING UNIT. One or more rooms designed or used as living quarters by one family.
   FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. Any bank, savings and loan association, insurance company, or any other person or firm whose business consists, in whole or in part, of making or guaranteeing loans.
   HOUSING. Synonym for DWELLING.
   RENT. To lease, sublease, let or otherwise grant or receive for consideration the right to occupy any dwelling not owned by the occupant.
(1999 Code, § 14-1-4)