(A) The following areas of special responsibility of the Aldermen comprising the City Council are hereby established, to-wit:
(1) Finance;
(2) Public Transportation;
(3) Public Safety and City Hall;
(4) Water;
(5) Ordinance, Lights, Miscellaneous Ordinances;
(6) Cemetery and Parks;
(7) Economic Development; and
(8) Sewer.
(B) The Mayor shall appoint an area of special responsibility to each of the Aldermen, appoint members of all committees, advisory committees, commissions and boards, and shall designate the Chairperson of each committee or board, except the Park Board, which shall continue its current practice of selecting its own Chairperson from time to time under its own rules. The number on each committee or board shall be as directed by the City Council and each member shall be appointed for a period of one year.
(C) All Mayoral appointments are subject to change at the discretion of the Mayor.
(D) Any committee or board requirements established by state statutes shall supersede the provisions of this code.
(E) The reports of all committees, commissions and boards to the City Council shall be in writing.
(F) As provided by law, any report of a committee of the City Council shall be deferred for final action thereon to the next regular meeting of the same after the report is made, upon the request of any two Aldermen present.
(G) Each Alderman acting within his or her assigned area of special responsibility shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the department of municipal government with which it is connected; shall ascertain the condition and needs of said department; shall, from time to time, report the same to the Mayor and City Council so that a full understanding thereof may be had, and generally, shall do all acts necessary to promote the efficiency of the department. In the event that an area of special responsibility becomes excessively burdensome to the assigned Alderman, the City Council, at the Mayor’s request, may take whatever actions are needed to ensure that adequate supervision of the affairs of that area of responsibility is maintained.
(H) Upon the request of any three Aldermen, the City Council shall investigate the adequacy of supervision of any area of special responsibility of which those Aldermen have concerns and if deficiencies are determined to exist the Council shall take whatever remedial action it finds to be in the best interests of the city.
(1999 Code, § 1-2-5) (Ord. 10-12, passed 6-26-2012; Ord. 05-13, passed 6-11-2013)