In accordance with the provisions of § 72.06 the following are hereby declared to be two or three-way stop intersections, to-wit:
3rd St. (East Bd.)
at Water Ave. (North Bd.)
4th St. (Both)
at Davis Ave. (South Bd.)
4th St.
and Benton Ave. (#1-98)
4th St.
and Follis Ave. (#1-98)
5th St.
and Davis St (#22-94)
5th St.
and Nelson Ave. (#12-01)
5th St.
and Pine St. (#21-90)
5th St.
and Trout St. (#23-94)
8th St.
and Follis Ave.
9th St.
and Jefferson Ave.
9th St.
and Johnston Ave.
9th St.
and Newton Ave.
10th St.
and Brush Ave.
10th St.
and Burgess Ave. (#12-01)
10th St.
and Johnston Ave. (#9-98)
11th St. (West Bd.)
at Hobbs St. (Both) (#10-97)
12th St.
and Barham Ave.
12th St.
and Brush Ave. (#10-99)
12th St.
and Davis Ave.
12th St.
and Jefferson Ave.
12th St.
and Monroe Ave.
12th St.
and Newton Ave.
12th St.
and Trout Ave.
13th St.
and Brush Ave.
14th St.
and Barham Ave. (#21-89)
14th St.
and Jefferson Ave.
14th St.
and Market St. (#23-90)
14th St.
and Monroe St. (#30-96)
14th St.
and Newton Ave. (#12-01)
14th St.
and Trout Ave.
15th St.
and Adams Ave.
15th St.
and Monroe Ave.
Broadway Blvd. (East Bd.)
at Follis Ave. (South Bd.)
Broadway Blvd.
and Grand Ave.
Broadway Blvd.
and Herrin Ave.
Broadway Blvd.
and Newton Ave.
Herrin Ave. (Both)
at 5th St. (West Bd.) (#01-2002)
Jefferson Ave. (North Bd.)
at 15th St. (Both)
Johnson St. (North Bd.)
at 14th St. (Both) (#09-03)
Pentecost Rd. (Both)
at 11th St. (West Bd.) (#06-05)
Pine St. (South Bd.)
at 13th St. (Both) (#11-91)
Perrine St.
and Davis Ave.
Trout Ave.
and 11th St. (#9-98)
(1999 Code, Ch. 24, Sch. B)