The city may provide by contract for the collection of garbage and rubbish within the city, the removal therefrom and disposal thereof on whatever basis is deemed reasonable and advisable by the City Council. In the event such contract provides for specific service charges to be paid by each householder, establishment or other firm, person or corporation receiving and accepting such service to the duly authorized contractor then all billing for and the collection of such service charges shall be by the city acting through its Water Department and using its Water Department billing system or other appropriate means. The duly authorized collector shall be authorized to discontinue the service of picking up, removing and disposing of such garbage and rubbish to any person, firm or corporation who fails to pay the service charge therefor. The city shall make diligent efforts to collect, but after such diligent efforts are made the city is relieved of further obligation for the collection of unpaid and/or delinquent accounts. In the event that the city after diligent efforts is unable to collect the service charge or fee called for hereunder, the contractor or authorized agent may pursue any remedy at law or equity to collect such fee or service charge; in no case, however, may the contractor hold the city financially responsible for the payment of any such fee or service charge.
(1999 Code, § 17-1-11)