No person shall own or occupy or let to another for occupancy any dwelling or dwelling unit intended for the purpose of living therein, which does not comply with the following requirements:
   (A)   Lighting.
      (1)   Every habitable room shall have at least one window or skylight facing outdoors or artificial lighting capable of producing at least an average illumination of six foot-candles over the area of the room at a height of 30 inches above the floor (three foot-candles minimum requirement in bathrooms), excepting that such rooms that are connected to another room or area and such other room or area is used only seasonally (such as, but not limited to, porches) and adequate daylight enters the said habitable room through the interconnection, are not required to have such windows or skylights.
      (2)   The minimum total window or skylight area shall be measured between stops and shall be, for every room where required, equal to at least 8% of the floor area of the room in which located. No window shall be deemed to be facing outdoors if any light obstructing structures are located less than three feet from such window and extend to a level above that of the ceiling of the room in which such window is located, and the same shall not be included as contributing to the required minimum total window area.
      (3)   Every public hall and every stairway in every multiple dwelling shall be adequately lighted by natural or electrical light at all times, so as to provide in all parts thereof at least ten foot-candles of light at the tread or floor level. Every public hall and every stairway in structures containing not more than two-dwelling units or not more than two rooms used as rooming units shall comply with the provisions of this section relating to multiple dwellings, or in the alternative, shall be supplied with conveniently located light switches controlling an adequate lighting system to be turned on when needed with full time lighting not being required.
   (B)   Ventilation. Every habitable room, excepting those connected to another room or area that is used only seasonally and adequate ventilation is provided through such interconnection and further excepting those rooms ventilated by some other approved device, shall have at least one window or skylight facing outdoors which can be easily opened, or provided mechanical exhaust of 60 cfm, exhausted to the atmosphere above the roofline or secured into a vented soffit area and away from openable windows into which foul air might be blown. The total of openable window or skylight area required shall be equal to at least 4% of the floor area of the room in which it is located.
   (C)   Bathroom ventilation. Every bathroom and water closet compartment shall comply with the ventilation requirements for habitable rooms as provided in division (B) of this section.
   (D)   Electrical service. The electrical service within each dwelling, dwelling unit, and accessory structure shall comply with the applicable electrical, fire, residential, and other codes adopted by the city, including, but not limited to, the following requirements:
      (1)   No dwelling shall have less than a 100-amp service. No dwelling or electric service upon any dwelling premises shall utilize or have knob and tube wiring; upon removal of knob and tube wiring the entire electric service, outlets, and fixtures shall comply with the electrical code of the city.
      (2)   Where there is usable electrical service available from power lines which are situated not more than 300 feet from a dwelling, every dwelling unit situated in such dwelling and all public and common areas of such dwelling shall be supplied with electrical service, outlets, and fixtures which shall be properly installed, shall be maintained in good and safe working condition, and shall be connected to a source of electrical power in a lawful manner and in accordance with applicable codes. Under no circumstance shall temporary wiring for electrical service within a dwelling unit or for any accessory structure be permitted. The minimum capacity of such service and the number of outlets and fixtures shall be as follows:
         (a)   Every habitable room shall have electrical service and outlets and/or fixtures capable of providing at least three watts per square foot of total floor area. Outlets should be distributed reasonably evenly around the room. Extension cords may not be used for more than their UL rated capacity; no extension cord shall be used as a receptacle for another extension cord.
         (b)   Every habitable room and every non-habitable room used for food preparation shall have at least one floor type or one wall type electrical convenience outlet for each 60 square feet or fraction thereof total floor area, and in no case less than two such outlets.
         (c)   Every bathroom, water closet compartment, kitchen or kitchenette, laundry room, furnace room and public hall shall contain at least one ceiling type or one wall type electrical light fixture.
   (E)   Heating facilities. Every dwelling shall have permanent heating facilities which are properly installed, maintained in safe and good working condition with proper safety devices, and which are capable of safely and adequately heating all habitable rooms, bathrooms and water closet compartments in every dwelling unit located therein, to a temperature of at least 68°F at a distance of 36 inches above floor level under ordinary winter conditions. Permanent heating facilities are not capable of being readily moved around the dwelling and are generally affixed directly to the building. Examples of permanent heating facilities include, but are not limited to, oil, gas, electric and coal furnaces or boilers; electrical heat pumps; wood furnaces or stoves; electric baseboard heaters; active or passive solar devices; or devices connected to a district heating system. Permanent heating facilities can be used singly or in combinations to meet the performance standards contained herein. Any auxiliary heater shall be UL approved and equipped with automatic shutoff. All auxiliary heaters must be used in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Auxiliary heaters are intended to supplement the permanent heating facilities. Auxiliary heating devices include, but are not limited to, portable electric space heaters and portable kerosene or oil heaters. The capacity of auxiliary heaters shall not be counted in determining whether the performance standards for heating are met in a dwelling.
   (F)   Insect protection. During that portion of each year between May 1 and October 1, both dates inclusive, every door opening directly from a dwelling unit or rooming unit to outside space that is used for ventilation and every window and other device with openings to outside space that is used or capable of being used for ventilation shall have properly fitted screens having at least 16 mesh so as to afford protection against mosquitoes, flies, and other flying insects. Screens must be on premises and available for inspection from October 2 through April 30, both dates inclusive. Also between May 1 and October 1 all hinged screen doors shall be equipped with self-closing devices. Provided however, that if a dwelling unit has fully functioning and operating central air conditioning which services the entire dwelling unit then the screening requirements herein are not applicable.
(Ord. 03-17, passed 4-25-2017)