(A) An individual will have to be charged with the responsibility of administering the Zoning Code. This individual will also be responsible for enforcing the code in accordance with the provision set forth in this report. This administration and enforcement officer shall be called the Zoning Administrator.
(B) Every application for a building permit shall be accompanied by three copies of construction plans and two plot plans drawn to scale. This plot plan shall show the shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact location, size and height of the structure to be erected or altered, the proposed number of dwelling units to occupy the structure, and any other such information regarding the lot or neighboring lots as may be necessary for the enforcement of the Zoning Code. One copy of the plans shall be returned to the applicant, along with any permits and zoning certificate indicating that the proposal meets the requirements of the Zoning Code as may be granted. The Zoning Administrator shall keep the one copy of the construction plans and the plot plan for his or her use and transmit the others to the Building Inspector.
(C) Before any building or premises or part of either is occupied, the Zoning Administrator shall issue an order indicating that such building or premises is in conformance with the Zoning Code. Such an order shall be called a certificate of occupancy and should be issued only when a use or structure is in conformance with the provisions of the Zoning Code.
(D) A penalty shall be set up herein whereby any persons in violations of the provisions of the Zoning Code shall be fined upon conviction of such offense. Such fine could be similar to fines stipulated for violation of the community’s building and housing codes. Each day that a violation continues should be treated as a separate offense.
(E) In addition to fines, the community, through its corporate attorney, may use other remedies found in the state statutes or other legal means to curb violations of the Zoning Code.
(1999 Code, § 40-17-a) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)
Editor’s Note:
This is an explanation of what follows in this subchapter as the enforcement provision.