(A)   Along any district boundary line, any abutting side yard on a lot in the less restricted district shall have a width equal to that required in the more restricted district; and in a B-2 or M District, on a lot abutting a lot in any R District, such side yard for a building higher than the limiting height in such R District should be increased by three feet for each story over such limiting height.
   (B)   Side yards may be reduced by 10% from the otherwise required least width of each side yard on a lot of record at the time of enactment of this Zoning Code is narrower than the lot width specified for the district in which the lot is located, in the case of buildings not higher than two and one-half stories, and in case the owner of record does not own any adjoining property; provided, however, that no side yard should be narrower at any point than three feet.
   (C)   Side yards may be measured to the centerline of adjoining alleys, but in not case shall a building or structure for which a side yard is required be erected within three feet of such alley.
   (D)   On a corner lot, the least width of a side yard along the side street lot line shall be equal to the required front yard along the side street.
   (E)   No part of any accessory building shall be nearer a side street lot line than the least depth of any front yard required along such side street.
   (F)   Side yards may be varied. Where the side wall of a building is not parallel with the side lot line or is broken or otherwise irregular, in which case the average width of the side yard shall not be less than the otherwise required width; provided, however, that such side yard shall not be narrower at any point than one-half of the otherwise required width, or narrower than five feet in any case.
   (G)   Structures or projections into side yards may be permitted as follows: fences, planting or walls not over five feet above the average natural grade; and fire escapes, three feet from a side lot line, not more than three feet from the building. The sum of the lengths of such projection shall not exceed one-third of the length of the side yard:
      (1)   Chimneys, flues, belt courses, leaders, sills, pilasters and lintels, ornamental features, cornices, eaves, gutters and the like, into or over a required side yard not more than one and one-half feet; and
      (2)   Terraces, steps, uncovered porches, stoops or similar features, not higher than the elevation of the ground story of the building and distant three feet from a side lot line.
(1999 Code, § 40-16-6) (Ord. 334, passed 10-26-1964)