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Unless otherwise stated in this chapter, all improvement costs shall be borne by the developer.
1.   Streets and Roads. In addition to Section 170.07, all streets or roads intended to be dedicated to public use and accepted into the City street system shall meet the following criteria:
   A.   All streets shall be built to grade and standard cross-section according to the plans approved by the City Engineer and City Council prior to construction. Both plan and profile view details shall be drawn on minimum 22 x 34-inch sheets to a scale of one inch equals 20 feet horizontal and one inch equals four feet vertical. If feasible, 11 x 17-inch plans drawn to a scale of one inch equals 40 feet horizontal and one inch equals eight feet vertical shall be acceptable.
   B.   All streets shall be paved with Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) and have Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) curb and gutter, which is a minimum of 30 inches wide.
   C.   All construction and materials shall conform to the current Iowa Department of Transportation standard specifications and special provisions.
   D.   Forty-eight-hour advance notice to the City of construction of a street is required.
   E.   All designs, specifications, material, inspection results, and procedures shall be certified to the City Engineer by a licensed engineer. All roads to be dedicated to the City may be inspected by the City, with the cost of said inspection being reimbursed to the City by the Proprietor.
2.   Utility Service Systems.
   A.   Public sanitary sewers and water systems shall be installed within the street right-of-way or established easements as required by the State and local ordinances.
   B.   Gas mains shall be installed within the street right-of-way or an established easement.
   C.   Electric and telephone lines shall be installed within the street right-of-way or established easements.
   D.   Streetlights shall be installed within the street right-of-way or established easements.
   E.   All subdivisions, and their lots, that are located within the incorporated boundaries of the City shall be required to connect to municipal utilities.
   F.   All utility service systems shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and City Council.
3.   Storm Drainage.
   A.   Adequate storm sewers and inlets shall be provided where necessary. All storm water intakes shall be capable of handling a five-year storm, and the pipe shall be capable of handling a 10-year storm. In addition, the subdivision shall have 100-year overland conveyance capacity.
   B.   Natural waterways shall be maintained and protected.
   C.   Storm water facilities may be required by the City Council in order to lessen negative drainage impact on other lands and such proposed facilities shall be subject to approval by the City Engineer and City Council.
   D.   If the development covers an area of one or more acres, the applicant must have the necessary Iowa Department of Natural Resources permits.
4.   Utility Locations. The proposed location, alignment, and sizes of all existing public utilities shall be shown on the preliminary plat. All utilities shall be located underground, unless waived by the City Council. Approval of the preliminary plat will form the basis of final designs of all improvements. All underground utilities that will be located within the street right-of-way or established easement shall be constructed, and service provided to each lot, before acceptance of the improvements by the City.
5.   Street Signs and Traffic Control Devices. To insure uniformity with Jesup’s street signage system, all street name signs and traffic control signs shall be erected in conformance with the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and
E-911 requirements. The City will be responsible for all costs associated with sign erection and maintenance.
6.   Mailboxes, Including Newspaper Boxes. Mailboxes and mailbox construction shall conform to United States Postal Service standards.
7.   Parking. The depth and width of properties reserved and designed for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes shall be adequate to provide for the off-street parking and loading facilities required for the type of use and development contemplated, as established in the Zoning Ordinance.
8.   Sidewalks. Sidewalks may be required by the City Council if they are considered necessary for the general welfare and safety of the community. If sidewalks are not required by the City, the developer shall provide for uniform grading throughout their development so that they may be installed in the future.
9.   SUDAS.
The City, at its discretion, may use Statewide Urban Design And Specifications (SUDAS) standards as a guide for requiring improvements construction standards.