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The M-2 district is intended primarily for the conduct of manufacturing, assembling, and fabrication on a larger scale. It is designed to provide an environment suitable for industrial activities, which may create appreciable nuisances or hazards, such as noise, fumes, and dust. The uses permitted in this district shall be separated from residential uses.
1.   Principal Permitted Uses. Property and buildings in an M-2 district shall be used only for the following purposes:
   A.   Any use principally permitted in M-1 districts.
   B.   Concrete and asphalt plants.
   C.   Flour, feed, and milling operations.
   D.   Freight terminals and grain elevators.
   E.   Manufacturing and assembly plants, including those for machinery.
   F.   Public buildings and facilities, including essential service buildings.
   G.   Uses and buildings which are accessories and customarily incidental to the above stated permitted uses and including temporary buildings used in conjunction with construction work provided such buildings are removed promptly upon completion of the construction work.
   H.   Wind Turbines as contemplated under Chapter 166 of this Code of Ordinances. However, said principal permitted use under Chapter 166 shall be permitted only upon the recommendation and review first by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and after approval by the City Council and only after full compliance with the prescriptions set out in Chapter 166.
   I.   Other uses similar to the foregoing designated uses after review and approval per Section 165B.10.
2.   Special Exceptions. Property and buildings in this district may be used for the following purposes in accordance with the provisions contained herein if the Board of Adjustment deems them appropriate:
   A.   Bulk storage of petroleum and liquid fertilizer.
   B.   Fertilizer manufacture.
   C.   Hazardous chemical sales and distribution, wholesaling, and storage.
   D.   Junkyards, including automobile wrecking or salvage enclosed by a solid, opaque fence that is a minimum of eight feet in height.
   E.   Stockyards.
   F.   Telecommunication towers (See Section 165D.06). Amateur radio towers are exempt from the provisions contained herein.
3.   Height Regulations, Lot Area, Frontage, and Yard Requirements. Height regulations, lot area, frontage, and yard requirements shall be those regulations as specified in Section 165A.29 (including Table 1 in Section 165A.29).
4.   Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. Off-street parking and loading requirements shall be those regulations as specified in Section 165D.02.
5.   Sign Regulations. The following signs are allowed, but require a permit.
   A.   Trade, advertising, business, or industry identification signs provided that:
      (1)   Free standing signs do not exceed 25 feet in height;
      (2)   Signs attached to a building shall not project above the height of the building or more than four feet from the wall of the building;
      (3)   No sign shall exceed 150 square feet in area nor shall any sign cover more than 10 percent of the building face which it covers.
   B.   Billboards provided that:
      (1)   Free standing signs do not exceed 50 feet in height;
      (2)   Signs attached to a building shall not project above the height of the building or more than four feet from the wall of the building;
      (3)   No sign shall exceed 300 square feet in area;
      (4)   They are not within 150 feet of an intersection, highway structure, residence, park, school, cemetery, public, or semi-public building;
      (5)   They are not within 150 feet of another billboard facing in the same direction.
   C.   No sign or billboard shall be located in, overhang, or project into a required front or side yard.
   D.   All signs and billboards shall be maintained in a neat and presentable condition and in the event their use shall cease, the area shall be restored to a condition free from refuse and rubbish.
   E.   Portable signs provided they stay no longer than 90 days per calendar year.