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The C-1 district is intended and designed for business professions and occupations that are located in the Central Business District.
1.   Principal Permitted Uses. Property and buildings in a C-1 district shall be used only for the following purposes:
   A.   Antique shops.
   B.   Apartments above first story level of a store or shop with off-street, on-site, parking.
   C.   Apparel shops.
   D.   Arcades and other commercial amusements.
   E.   Art shops.
   F.   Automobile accessory and parts stores.
   G.   Bakeries, bakery outlets, or catering businesses.
   H.   Banks, savings and loan associations, and similar financial institutions.
   I.   Barbershops and beauty parlors.
   J.   Bicycle shops (sales and repair).
   K.   Bowling alleys.
   L.   Business offices, professional offices, and studios.
   M.   Camera stores.
   N.   Churches and temples.
   O.   Clothes cleaning and laundry pick-up stations, excluding dry-cleaning establishments.
   P.   Clothing stores.
   Q.   Collection offices of public utilities.
   R.   Commercial sales (electronic).
   S.   Confectionery stores, including ice cream or snack bars.
   T.   Dance studios.
   U.   Delicatessens.
   V.   Dental and medical clinics.
   W.   Drive-in restaurants.
   X.   Drug stores, including pharmacies.
   Y.   Dry-cleaning establishments.
   Z.   Dry goods stores.
   AA.   Florist shops.
   BB.   Furniture stores.
   CC.   Funeral homes and mortuaries.
   DD.   Gift shops.
   EE.   Grocery stores, including supermarkets.
   FF.   Hardware stores.
   GG.   Health clubs.
   HH.   Hobby shops.
   II.   Hotels and motels.
   JJ.   Household appliance stores (sales and repair).
   KK.   Jewelry stores and watch repair shops.
   LL.   Launderette or coin-operated laundry establishments.
   MM.   Lawnmower repair shops.
   NN.   Leather goods stores.
   OO.   Locker plants for storage and retail sales.
   PP.   Music stores and music studios.
   QQ.   Office supply stores or shops.
   RR.   Paint and wallpaper stores.
   SS.   Pet shops, including kennels.
   TT.   Pharmacies.
   UU.   Photographic studios, printing and developing establishments.
   VV.   Plumbing and heating businesses.
   WW.   Post offices.
   XX.   Printing and lithographing shops.
   YY.   Playgrounds and public parks.
   ZZ.   Public buildings and facilities, including essential service buildings.
   AAA.   Publishing and engraving establishments.
   BBB.   Radio and television shops (sales and repair).
   CCC.   Recreational facilities.
   DDD.   Rental or rent-to-own stores.
   EEE.   Restaurants, taverns, and cafes.
   FFF.   Shoe and hat repair shops.
   GGG.   Sporting goods stores, excluding external boat storage or display.
   HHH.   Tailor and dressmaking shops.
   III.   Theaters.
   JJJ.   Toy stores.
   KKK.   Upholstering and embroidery shops.
   LLL.   Variety stores.
   MMM.   Motorcycle sales, service, or repair establishments.
   NNN.   Accessory uses and buildings that are customarily incidental to the above stated uses.
   OOO.   Other uses similar to the foregoing designated uses after review and approval per Section 165B.10.
2.   Special Exceptions. Property and buildings in this district may be used for the following purposes in accordance with the provisions contained herein if the Board of Adjustment deems them appropriate:
   A.   Animal hospitals, veterinary clinics, pet shops, and commercial kennels.
   B.   Apartments on the first story level of a store or shop with off-street, on-site, parking.
   C.   Billiard parlors and pool halls.
   D.   Book stores.
   E.   Carpentry or cabinet making shop with three or fewer employees.
   F.   Dance halls.
   G.   Liquor stores and lounges.
   H.   Lumber yard.
   I.   Private clubs and lodges.
   J.   Roadside stands for the sale of fresh fruit, vegetables, nursery stock, and plant food.
   K.   Gas or service stations, including convenience stores.
   L.   Nightclubs.
   M.   Video equipment rental and sales (including film rental).
   N.   Wholesale display and sales rooms and offices.
   O.   Childcare centers, institutional.
3.   Height Regulations, Lot Area, Frontage, and Yard Requirements. Height regulations, lot area, frontage, and yard requirements shall be those regulations as specified in Section 165A.29 (including Table 1 in Section 165A.29).
4.   Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements. Off-street parking and loading requirements shall be those regulations as specified in Section 165D.02.
5.   Sign Regulations.. The following signs are allowed, but require a permit.
   A.   Advertising signs, billboards, trade, business or industry identification signs provided that:
      (1)   Free standing signs do not exceed 25 feet in height;
      (2)   Signs attached to a building shall not project above the height of the building or be more than four feet from the wall of the building;
      (3)   No sign shall exceed 150 square feet in area nor shall any sign cover more than 10 percent of the building face which it covers.
   B.   All signs and billboards shall be maintained in a neat and presentable condition and in the event their use shall cease, the area shall be restored to a condition free from refuse and rubbish.
   C.   Portable signs provided they stay no longer than 90 days per calendar year.