1. Minimum Street Frontage. No lot shall be created after the adoption of the ordinance codified in this Zoning Code unless it abuts at least 30 feet on a public street right-of-way, or is accessible to a public street by an easement.
2. Lot of Record. In any Residential District on a lot of record at the time of enactment of the ordinance codified in the Zoning Code, a single-family dwelling may be established regardless of the size of the lot, provided all other requirements of this Code of Ordinances are met. (See Chapter 165D) Further, where two or more contiguous recorded lots are held in common ownership, they may be combined into zoning lots and shall thereafter be maintained in common ownership by deed restriction and shall be so joined and developed for implementing this section. The razing of a building on a substandard lot shall constitute the formation of a vacant lot.
3. Lots Unserved By Sewer and Water. In any Residential District where neither public water supply nor public sanitary sewer are reasonably available, one single-family dwelling may be constructed on a lot provided the otherwise specified lot area and width requirements are met. In no case, shall the lot area be less than three county acres.