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1.   No driveway approach shall be constructed or replaced, nor shall any access be provided from private property onto any street without first obtaining a permit from the City. The application for the permit shall be filed in writing at the office of the City Clerk.
2.   The Public Works Director shall approve or disapprove the permit. The recommendation of the Public Works Director shall be based upon one or more of the following criteria:
   A.   Curb cuts and/or access shall not be provided onto any street for which access has been restricted during review of the final plat and deed of dedication.
   B.   For a double frontage lot, reversed frontage lot, or corner lot, as defined in the City zoning ordinance, access shall be allowed onto only one street in conformance with Paragraph A of this subsection unless otherwise authorized by the Council.
   C.   Where a lot fronts on two streets, the Public Works Director shall determine where access shall be allowed based upon an analysis of the amount and speed of traffic on both streets.
   D.   The permit holder shall file a certificate of liability insurance in effect for the duration of the permit for a minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Prior to the issuance of the permit, the Public Works Director shall submit the application for the permit to the street superintendent for review and comment regarding the location of the curb cut.
3.   Upon a permit being issued by the Public Works Director to make all driveway approaches and curb cuts, no driveway shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete to comply with Parts 2 and 3 of Section 7030 of plans and specifications approved by the City Engineer pursuant to the Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS).
4.   Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect driveways constructed or in use on or before the effective date of this section.
5.   The permit holder shall notify the Public Works Director immediately upon completion of the construction. The Public Works Director shall inspect the work. If said official does not approve the work, the permit holder or property owner must proceed immediately to correct the work, so that it will meet with approval.
6.   Should any construction not be corrected to meet with the approval of the building inspector within ten (10) days of being notified of this disapproval, the Public Works Director shall have the right to finish or correct the work and the Council shall assess the property owner.
7.   All new driveway applications approach permits shall be accompanied by a new driveway approach fee in the amount set by resolution of the Council, and all driveway applications shall be accompanied by a driveway repair fee set by resolution of the Council.
8.   Any applicant who is aggrieved by the action of the Public Works Director may appeal the decision to the Council; the appeal must be made in writing to the Mayor and Council within fourteen (14) days of the denial of the permit.