(A)   Now therefore be it ordained that the following rules and regulations apply to all property owned or leased by Jessamine County, Kentucky and may be enforced by peace officers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky so long as signage that is plainly visible to the public is posted in at least one spot on any property which the Jessamine County Fiscal Court directs said signage to be posted detailing the rules and regulations to which said property is subjected including but not limited to:
      (1)   Hours of operation (which may specify the time from “sunrise to sunset”);
      (2)   Prohibition against swimming near property owned or leased by Jessamine County, Kentucky;
      (3)   Prohibition of recreational sporting vehicles including but not limited to ATVs and other “off-road” vehicles and “dirt bikes”;
      (4)   Prohibition against littering (state litter law references may be included on the signage);
      (5)   Prohibition of open fires of any type including but not limited to “campfires”;
      (6)   Prohibition against “camping” and/or any other type of overnight usage or occupation of the property;
      (7)   Prohibition of the discharge of firearms, fireworks and/or any other type of instrument that emits loud noises;
      (8)   Prohibition of any “criminal” activity as defined in the Kentucky Criminal Statutes;
      (9)   Prohibition of open alcoholic containers;
      (10)   Prohibition of use of the property by private citizens and/or any business or non-profit organizations for any fund-raising or for-profit activity.
   (B)   The Jessamine County Fisca1 Court shall approve by resolution the appropriate signage for any property owned or leased by Jessamine County, Kentucky; and
   (C)   The Jessamine County Judge Executive will have the authority to cause such signs to be created and posted on property approved by the Jessamine County Fiscal Court.
   (D)   All signs shall include reference to this chapter and notify the public that violations of the posted rules and regulations may subject the violators to the maximum penalties as set forth in this chapter.
   (E)   Penalties. Violations of any posted rule or regulation will subject the violator(s) to a fine of up to $250 and or 90 days in jail.
(Ord. passed 10-18-2022)