(A)   The Fiscal Court strictly prohibits verbal or physical conduct by any employee which harasses, disrupts, or interferes with another employee's work performance or which creates an intimidating, offensive or hostile working environment.
   (B)   The Fiscal Court strictly prohibits any supervisor or manager from making submission to sexual advances a condition of employment, continued employment, evaluation, compensation, benefits, promotion or any other privilege, term or condition of employment.
   (C)   The Fiscal Court strictly prohibits any employee from engaging in sexual harassment including the unwelcome touching of another person, the making of advances or requests for sexual favors, the use of sexually-explicit or abusive language, the making of sexually suggestive or degrading remarks about a person or about a person's body or clothing and the display of sexually explicit or suggestive literature, pictures, photographs or other objects.
   (D)   An employee who believes he or she has been subjected to sexual harassment in the workplace has the responsibility to report harassment as soon as possible to their Supervisor, or if the harassment involves the Supervisor, to the County Judge Executive.
   (E)   It is policy to investigate all complaints of sexual harassment promptly and confidentially as possible, and to notify the employee of the results of its investigation upon completion.
   (F)   Any employee may, if dissatisfied with the investigation or disposition of a complaint, make a written account directly to the Fiscal Court.
   (G)   Any employee who is determined to have engaged in harassment or sexual misconduct in violation of this policy will be subjected to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.
(Ord. passed 10-30-2001)