(A)   Pursuant to this tax, all fees due and owing to the county and collected by the County Treasurer shall be made payable to the Treasurer, Jersey County, Illinois. Upon collection of said funds the Treasurer shall transfer said funds to a separate account or fund established by the County Board through its Finance Committee. Ten percent of said funds shall be retained by the county to reimburse the County Treasurer and other county offices for their administrative expenses in the implementation of this subchapter. Said amounts can be transferred to the General Fund monthly at the monthly discretion of the Treasurer and the Finance Committee of the County Board.
   (B)   The funds remaining in said account, that result from the tax from each operator, shall remain in this account and be expended to promote tourism; conventions; expositions; theatrical, sports and cultural activities within the county or otherwise to attract nonresident overnight visitors to the county.
(Ord. passed 1-9-1989)