Perimeter chain-linked fencing having a minimum height of six feet shall be installed, maintained, and secured around the boundary of the CSES. The fence shall contain appropriate warning signage that is posted such that it is clearly visible on the site.
   (A)   All gates to the fences of solar farms shall be at least six feet in height and shall additionally have at least three strands of barbed wire run above such six feet.
   (B)   All gates to the fences of all solar farms shall be equipped with locks and shall remain locked at all times except for those times when the owner and/or operator, or their respective agents, is/are using the gate for ingress and/or egress or is/are otherwise present and monitoring the solar farm(s).
   (C)   All gates to fences of all solar farms shall be constructed so as to substantially lessen the likelihood of entry into a solar farm by unauthorized individuals.
   (D)   The gates and barbed wire required hereunder shall be maintained in good condition. Failure to maintain the gates required hereunder shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
   (E)   The gate, barbed wire and lock requirements specified hereunder shall continue notwithstanding the fact that a solar farm is no longer operational and/or falls into disuse unless and until such solar farm is dismantled and removed from the parcel or parcels of land upon which it was constructed.
(Ord. passed 5-9-2023)