(A)   If as a result of facts elicited as a result of the hearing, the Health Department Committee finds that strict compliance with the decision of the Health Officer would cause undue hardship of the petitioner, and that the public health would be adequately protected and substantial justice done by granting a currency from the decision of the Health Officer, the Health Department Committee may grant a currency and as a condition for such variance, may, where it deems necessary, make requirements which are additional to those prescribed by this chapter.
   (B)   The Health Department Committee shall render a decision within 30 days after the date of the hearing which shall be reduced to writing and placed on file in the office of the Health Officer and a copy thereof shall be served on this petitioner personally or be delivered to the petitioner by certified mail. A transcript of the record shall be provided at the expense of the person requesting the hearing. All witnesses called shall be required to testify under oath. An appeal from a decision of the Health Department Committee may be made to the Circuit Court of the county, pursuant to the Illinois Administrative Review Act, 735 ILCS 5/3-101 et seq., as amended.
(Ord. 17-2, passed 2-14-2017; Res. passed 11-14-2023)