New curb and gutter required to be installed by this chapter shall be constructed at the expense of the property owner in accordance with city standards at the same time as all new construction or modification of existing buildings and shall be fully and properly constructed within one hundred twenty (120) days of the issued building permit, or a mobile home and/or manufactured home siting permit by the city and prior to the occupancy of the facility. Provided, however, that any building permit or mobile home siting permit issued for the lots (bounded on at least 3 sides by public roads of the city), and which lots lay between public roads denominated West H and West G, East H and East G, West 7th and West 8th, or East 7th and East 8th, the period of time for completion of the construction of the required curb and gutter shall be one year from the date of the issuance of a building permit or mobile home siting permit by the city. (Ord. 850 §2, 1998: Ord. 749A §2, 1993: Ord. 608 §2, 1978)