A.   The city, by resolution duly made and adopted by the city council, may, from time to time, designate and establish two (2) hour parking zones within the city limits, designating times at which no vehicle shall be parked for longer than two (2) uninterrupted hours. The following portions of streets are designated as two (2) hour parking zones, notwithstanding the right of the city council to supplement such zones in accordance with this chapter:
   Lincoln Avenue between Avenue B and First Avenue.
   Main Street between Buchanan and Birch Streets.
B.   Provided, however, that parking greater than two (2) hours shall be allowed in such zones on Sundays, holidays within the meaning of section 73-108, Idaho Code, and between the hours of five o'clock (5:00) A.M. and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. or between six o'clock (6:00) P.M. and one o'clock (1:00) A.M. the following day.
C.   The following portions of streets within the city of Jerome are designated as no parking zones:
   The entire length of the east side of North Tiger Drive between East Main Street and 16th Avenue East; and the west side of North Tiger Drive between East Main Street and 1st Avenue East; and the west side of North Tiger Drive between 3rd Avenue East and 16th Avenue East.
   The entire length of the south side of 10th Avenue East between the northwest corner of Forsythe Park and Tiger Drive.
   The entire length of the south side of 8th Avenue East between the east boundary of Tax 2 Blk A-212 and North Tiger Drive.
D.   Any police officer or person designated by the chief of police observing a violation of the provisions of this chapter may leave upon the violating vehicle a traffic ticket which shall provide the ticket number, date, time, license number, make of vehicle, and officer's name or designated person's name. The ticket shall notify the owner or operator of the fine increase for failure to pay such fine within the initial seventy two (72) hour period and of the penalties for failure to pay the increased fine within the same notice period. If a vehicle upon which a notice of violation has been attached remains in the same location for a period of twenty four (24) hours after the notice has been attached, additional notices of violation may be attached to the vehicle for each twenty four (24) hour period of violation. (Ord. 1073, 2010: Ord. 1072, 2010: Ord. 1027, 2007: Ord. 983 §1, 2005: Ord. 604 §1, 1978)