(A)   Policy. All official travel must be properly authorized, reported and reimbursed in accordance with this Travel Policy. In all instances, the travel must be approved in advance by the County Commissioners; and if the travel is for someone other than a department head, by that department head as well. No department head shall be authorized travel funds within that department budget to travel without prior approval of the County Commissioners; and, if the Commissioners deem it appropriate, from the County Council as well.
   (B)   Definition. All travel expenses must be for authorized travel. AUTHORIZED TRAVEL means any travel by a county employee or county public official for the purpose of official county business which is approved by the County Commissioners, and if travel is by an employee or public official who is not a department head, by that person's department head as well.
   (C)   Administration.
      (1)   It is recognized that the county payment for authorized travel includes direct travel expenses, which may include food, beverage and lodging incurred by county employees and public officials, wherein reimbursement will be provided.
      (2)   Claimants for reimbursement have the responsibility of becoming knowledgeable about authorized travel expenditures and the documentation requirements. Care must be taken to avoid unnecessary or excessive expenditures , and those not direct and reasonably related to the conduct of county business.
      (3)   It should be the responsibility of the County Auditor, to adopt, publish, and enforce rules and procedures consistent with this Policy for the purpose of carrying out the provisions thereof; and to provide forms accompanied by instructions for their implementation.
   (D)   Submission of claims.
      (1)   Reimbursement. Reimbursement shall be made for actual expenses incurred for convention, seminar, or other registration fees; reasonable expenses incurred at meetings related to official county business; transportation to destination and return or mileage as set forth herein; single occupancy lodging where overnight lodging is required; and incidentals, all as set forth below. The county reserves the right to permit and control county credit card usage. See § 33.18  and check for updates with the County Auditor.
      (2)   Documentation. No claim for reimbursement shall be paid unless it is accompanied by a vendor's receipt. Should a receipt be lost or not obtainable, an employee certification, signed by his/her department head or by a Commissioner if the employee is a department head, may serve as a substitute for a receipt at the sole discretion of the Commissioners. Such receipt or certification should show the date, a description of the purchase, vendor identification, amount paid, and an explanation for the lack of a receipt should that be the case. Restaurant meal stubs will be accepted as receipt where a more detailed vendor receipt cannot be reasonably obtained. However, the stub must have the amount completed and initialed by restaurant staff, though the tip can be added by the employee if not included.
      (3)   Information. Claims for reimbursement shall contain the following:
         (a)   The name of the person who consumed the goods or used the service for which reimbursement is requested;
         (b)   A description of the event, occasion or circumstance related to the claim and the public policy or public purpose served;
         (c)   The required receipts  or certifications where they are allowed).
      (4)   Meals. Reimbursement shall be made for expenses incurred for meals as follows:
         (a)   Meals costs must be incurred directly by the claimant, and do not cover meals served without cost incurred by the claimant at authorized meetings, conventions, or conferences. Direct billing to the county by a food provider is prohibited unless included in prepaid costs approved by the Commissioners.
         (b)   All county employees and public officials claiming reimbursement for meals consumed while on county business shall be entitled to reimbursement not to exceed $45 per day, including tax and tip, based on vendor receipts. If the employee's attendance does not necessitate overnight travel, or travel more than 50 miles from Vernon, meals shall be reimbursed at an amount not to exceed $20 per meal, including tax and tip, and no reimbursement shall be made for a morning meal or an evening meal unless it is an afternoon and evening meeting.
         (c)   The Commissioners may approve exceptions to the authorized meal allowance schedule when the Commissioners determine that either the region of the country is recognized as a high cost area, or that the event's location requires a greater cost. To claim a meal schedule cost exception, the employee or public official must prepare a written request for such exception treatment, have it approved by his or her department head, if applicable, and submit it to the Commissioners for a final determination.
         (d)   If the costs of meals for persons other than the claimant are included, those persons must be entitled to meal reimbursement by their own right and they shall be listed by name and title in claim documentation, or that portion of the claim will be disallowed.
         (e)   Specifically excluded from reimbursement for meals are any beverages containing alcohol, meal expenses incurred where the meals are covered by the meeting, conference or seminar, meals between home and the official workplace, and tobacco products. Payments for table service at a food establishment, commonly referred to as a tip, in excess of 15% on the submitted receipt, shall be disallowed.
      (5)   Travel. Reimbursement for reasonable cost of business travel must be authorized by the Commissioners in advance. The use of a county vehicle rather than a personal car is encouraged, where one is readily available and approved by the department head and the Commissioners. General guidelines are as follows:
         (a)   County vehicle. Out of area cost of vehicle operation are authorized for fuel, oil, tires and necessary repairs.
         (b)   Personal vehicle. Expenses shall be reimbursed for travel within a 300-mile radius of the county at the then current mileage rate allowed by the Commissioners for such expense. The current established rate is $0.38 per mile. Trips beyond this distance will be reimbursed at the lower of the:
            1.   Established rate per mile; or
            2.   The lowest available airfare obtainable by the County Auditor or department head, plus mileage reimbursement at the then current county rate, based upon the estimated distance between the airport and the destination.
         (c)   County employees who receive a motor vehicle allowance in lieu of county provided transportation shall not be entitled to further reimbursement for surface transportation costs within a 50- mile radius of the county. Incidental travel costs such as parking, ferry or bridge tolls, are reimbursable as they would be if a county vehicle was provided.
      (6)   Rental vehicle. The cost of vehicle rental when on out-of-town business is considered an exception to this Policy and must be approved in advance by the Commissioners. Vehicle rental authorization must be separately set out in any request for approval of travel expenses. Approval of vehicle rental as an item on a Travel Advance Request will not be considered sufficient authorization without a separate statement presenting the reason such an expenditure is required.
      (7)   Air travel. Arrangement for air travel on county-related business shall be made by the department whose employee is involved in the travel, or as may otherwise be designated by the County Auditor, but always subject to prior approval by the Commissioners, and must follow the following policy:
         (a)   Whenever feasible, the need for air travel arrangements should be provided by way of the normal purchase order process at least five weeks in advance of the departure date.
         (b)   The authorized procurer will arrange for air travel based on the lowest available airfare for a regularly scheduled flight which reasonable accommodates the time of travel requested, and the destination as specified by the requested department. A travel agency may be used, but any fee for that travel agency, including Internet travel services, must be approved in advance.
         (c)   The authorized procurer will purchase the tickets at the time the rate is quoted and the employee will be advised of the arrangements for acquiring the tickets.
         (d)   If personal travel is combined with business travel, the traveling employee shall be responsible for paying the increase in airfare necessary to accommodate the personal part of the flight. The county shall only pay the lowest available airfare for the round trip between Jennings County and the business-related destination. Such payment for personal travel shall accompany the county's payment to the vendor for the tickets.
         (e)   If changes in travel plans occur that are the result of county business requirements (that is, delays and departures, cancellations, extended stays or revised itinerary), any associated costs shall be paid by the county. However, any increase in the cost of travel due to changes for personal convenience, will be borne by the employee.
         (f)   (a)   Employees who obtain airline tickets on their own will be reimbursed based on the lower of:
               1.   Actual out-of-pocket costs paid by for the airline tickets or alternate means of transportation (substantiated by receipt); or
               2.   The lowest airfare available for their time of travel, unless an exception is granted in writing by the Commissioners.
            (b)   When purchased by the employee, he or she must pay the costs of the travel and seek reimbursement along with all other travel expenses. Direct billing of airfare to the county is allowed only if arranged for or approved by the Commissioners in advance.
         (g)   Only coach air travel is authorized, unless this requirement is specifically waived in advance by the Commissioners.
      (8)   Other miscellaneous travel expenses.
         (a)   Miscellaneous travel costs such as bus, taxi, bridge tolls, or other tolls, and parking are authorized by the listing of the same on the reimbursement form. Payment for personal services such as porter, bellman, maid service, and the like are not considered reimbursable miscellaneous travel costs.
         (b)   A vendor's receipt will be required for all such miscellaneous travel costs.
   (9)   Mileage and/or overnight travel.
      (a)   Employees driving personal vehicles on county business outside the county shall be entitled to reimbursement for mileage at the established rate per mile.
      (b)   Overnight accommodations (hotel/motel) for a one-day meeting, conference, or seminar (collectively called "such programs") shall not be approved unless the distance exceeds 120 miles one way from the county to the location of such program.
      (c)   Overnight accommodations for such programs lasting more that one day shall be considered as follows:
         1.   If the one-way distance is 50 miles or less, no overnight accommodations shall be approved.
         2.   If the one-way distance exceeds 50 miles but does not exceed 120 miles, there shall be no overnight accommodations either the night before such program begins or the night such program ends.
         3.   If the one-way distance exceeds 120 miles, there may be overnight accommodations either the night before such program begins or the night such program ends (but not both), and all nights in between.
         (d)   The county shall have the sole discretion to very from these rules for extenuating circumstances, but any claim of extenuating circumstances must be brought before the Commissioners sufficiently in advance and with sufficient details to enable the Commissioners to make such a decision in advance of the travel, or it will be automatically denied.
         (e)   Reasonable overnight (hotel/motel) accommodations for county employees and public officials are acceptable and will be reimbursed at a maximum of the best available single room rate. Exceptions may be authorized by the Commissioners should a single room rate not be available, but evidence of this must be received from the hotel/motel. A vendor's receipt for this category is required for all claims. Direct billing of hotel/motel charges is not allowed unless approved in advance by the Commissioners.
      (10)   Expenses for which reimbursement is not available. In addition to those items specifically excluded for reimbursement as identified in divisions (4)(d) and (8)(b), there shall be no reimbursement for the following: beverages with any alcoholic content; expenses of a spouse or other persons not authorized to receive reimbursement under this Policy; laundry; entertainment; personal telephone calls; early departure or late return for personal reasons; TV/movie rental; personal sundries; clothing; entertainment and travel to places of entertainment; room service; valet service; personal "trip insurance"; damage costs caused by the county employee or public official actions; fines, penalties and/or forfeiture expenses incurred; theft; loss or damage to personal property; limousine services; expenses paid by others; personal postage or reading materials; health care expenses, except as covered by the county health plan; and child care expenses unless specifically authorized in advance.
      (11)   Time limit for submission. Claims for reimbursement of travel expenses must be submitted to the County Auditor in the manner set forth above, upon completion of the trip. Such claim for reimbursement becomes delinquent if not submitted within 30 days, and may result in denial of the claim. If any travel advance exceeds the reimbursable expenses, the county employee or public official must submit a payment for the excess amount immediately upon completion of the trip. The county has the right to require, in addition to the documentation and information requirements set forth above, to require that a county employee or public official sign a report certifying that the amounts claimed are:
         (1)   True statement of the expenses incurred on official county business; and
         (2)   Not being reimbursed by another person or organization.
(Ord. 2019-8, passed 9-26-2019)